Copyright © 2025 by D.M.Haggart
A progress report, in a way. A selection of paintings and sketches.
Visual artists of the Heliconian Club fill the walls of Heliconian Hall with their art, with new shows monthly. Hence my title from my time as a "Heliconian" steals an old line from the movies: We gotta a hall, let's put on a show!
Mementos Magazine #2, 8.5 x 11 in, 88 pages plus cover, perfect bound.
Order one book for $21.65 plus shipping.
Copyright © 2024 by D.M.Haggart
Much as the rest of Canada may not believe it, there is some “Outside” left in the Big Smoke. And the best part of painting is just that -- it gets me outside.
In redesigning
“36 Views” for print, I thought: Why stop at 36?
Other pictures insisted loudly that
they be included, so I did. This magazine
includes 42 views.
If I don’t make a record of my work, who will?
Mementos Magazine #1, 8.5 x 11 in, 88 pages plus cover, perfect bound.
Order one book for $21.65 plus shipping.
Online only
Here are 36 very personal views of Toronto, made in the decade since my first night class with Gareth Bate urged me to "paint the city".
E-book. First published, 2023. Copyright © 2023 by D.M.Haggart
Order one book for $20 or 2 for $35
Starting new things can be scary, but it‘s also the only way to get to where you want to go.
I remember my own delight the moment I was shown how letters make words. I hope this picture book helps unlock reading, writing and the world for someone dear to you.
booklet, 10 X 8 in digital print, 32 pages plus cover, saddle stitched.
First printing, 2020. Copyright © 2020 by D.M.Haggart
Order one book for $15 or 2 for $25.
Three terriers set out for a day's adventure and stray very far, over streams and under brush and through the purple twilight. By trusting their special talents, they find their way home by nightfall.
First printing, 2019. Copyright © 2019 by D.M.Haggart
dedicated to m g haggart
Don Marquis (1878 - 1937) was a journalist and columnist in New York City and the author of several novels, short-story collections, and plays. He created the character of archy, a poet reincarnated as a cockroach who launched himself on the keys of a manual typewriter to express himself.
It was not nearly as painful but rather a joy to illustrate this favourite poem. The drawings are dedicated to m g haggart, who read me archy’s poems and taught me his friend mehitabel’s motto, “the word is toujours gai.”
First printing, 2013. Drawings Copyright © 2013 by D.M.Haggart
by D M Haggart and the letter H
A hawk and a hare are about as opposite as they can be. You’d think they would never meet except in conflict. But High and Hope >discover they don’t have to be the same as or envious of the other. They accept who they are and at the same time learn from what they admire in each other.
First printing, 2012. Copyright © 2011 by D.M.Haggart